In addition to the beauty and serenity of Sincuidados, our community includes a variety of people with amazing stories and backgrounds. We call it Sincuidados Stories. In our fourth edition, we share the story of one of our neighbors, Carl, a golden retriever. These are his words.
Please let me introduce myself. My name is Carl. I’ve been asked to share my story.
I meant to write sooner, but it’s taking me a little while to learn English. I’ve been having so much fun in my new “forever” home.
I’m a four-year-old golden retriever that was rescued upon arriving at a meat market in Seoul, South Korea in July 2018. The Rescue A Golden of Arizona (RAG) satellite team and my new family residing in Sincuidados saved me. Yes, it’s hard to believe in parts of the world, they eat dogs. I’m told golden retrievers are the tastiest ones. BOL! (Bark Out Loud)
I feel so bad for the ones that didn’t make it.
All I can remember is being fed with a lot of other dogs. They would throw buckets of slop over the fence, and we would all have to fight for the food and eat as fast as we could. This was to fatten us up for the market. It’s unfortunate. I can’t share anything prior to July 2018 because I have no memory prior to being caged. I can only share my experience from then on.
An Incredible Journey
It’s hard to believe it’s been over two years since they rescued me from South Korea. What an incredible journey it’s been – from living at the intake center in Seoul for 30 days and receiving all the vet care, vaccines, etc. needed to prepare me for my journey to the U.S. The flight from Seoul to LAX with Ben (another golden rescued at the same market) is one for the ages. I miss him.
Once we arrived at LAX, the RAG transport team picked us up and we parted ways with the chaperone that made the flight with us. We were on the flight for so long, 13.5 hours and in our cages for three more hours. We both had a few accidents. The transport team immediately drove us to a dog washing station to clean us up before the drive to my new forever home in Sincuidados.
My parents decided to name me Carl. They were trying to find the humor in it all and decided to choose a name from a fast food restaurant since my fate was doomed and almost became ground chuck. They landed on Carl as in Carl’s Jr. I fail to find the humor in it. However, my parents do.
We’re All So Fortunate
You wouldn’t believe it. My new parents say I rescued them (Go figure!). Whoever rescued whom really doesn’t matter. We all love each other so much and are inseparable. We’re all so fortunate. I don’t know where to begin.
My new sister, Daizy, is a very cute red-haired golden that I have a severe crush on. We play endlessly.
Some notes of accomplishment you would be very proud of: I’m totally housebroken (never really had an issue with that). I can sit, shake, heel, lay down, etc. My forte is fetching. I’m really good at it. I can catch balls at all angles off walls and in midair. You would be impressed. My next favorite activity is diving into the pool, swimming and then running through the dog door soaking wet. My parents really love that. I can tell because they always chase me down with a towel and rub me down. And lastly, I love my rides around the community in the evenings with the windows down.
The nightly frozen marrow bones we get in the evening after playtime are scrumdiddlyumptious.
When I was rescued, I was really skinny and my coat was really matted and had to be shaved down. It hurt so bad I cried, but it was worth the agony. I’m now sporting a beautiful healthy coat and currently weigh 70 pounds.
My Mom (Lynne Chudyk) makes me special stew in the crockpot. It’s so good I’ll catch my Dad (Steve Chudyk) sneaking into the refrigerator for an occasional bite. I’ve learned to share. Fresh clean ice water is always available as well.
Big Heartfelt Thank You
The vet in Scottsdale is nice and very caring. I’m now very healthy and after my teeth cleaning, I’m ready to pose for a Purina commercial at any time.
At night we all cuddle on the couch until it’s time to go to bed where we all sleep. I’m always at the foot of the bed where I sleep very, very well.
People say we hit the jackpot. I would have to agree. My parents think I’m perfect and are very blessed to have me. I hear them say it all the time. The work Rescue a Golden does is incredible. I wish there were more people like them in the world. Can you imagine?
A big, heartfelt “thank you” and “lots of waggy tails for everything Rescue a Golden went through to save me. You’re Earth angels.
MY LIFE IS COMPLETE AND WONDERFUL! So much love and appreciation. Happy Holidays!
Woof! Woof! LICK! LICK!